Tuesday, August 5, 2008


ARIES AUGUST HOROSCOPE 2008 / ARIES AUGUST ASTROLOGY FORECAST 2008 (Mar. 21- Apr. 20) Aries the over flow of stamina need now, while the planets indicate that this is a month of major changes in all aspects of your life. Of all the bold action you must also try and your thoughts to give, derjenig, loved it is possible that you have taken for granted

TAURUS AUGUST HOROSCOPE 2008 / TAURUS AUGUST ASTROLOGY FORECAST 2008 (Apr. 21- AUGUST 21) Sometimes there is a gap between our understanding of a situation and the receipt, which provides those things. In the middle of this month you have to make sure the communication problems with a non tensions, has loved one. Nothing can dampen your optimism though .

GEMINI AUGUST HOROSCOPE 2008 / GEMINI AUGUST ASTROLOGY FORECAST 2008 (AUGUST 22-June 21) Gemini August is all about inner harmony for you. They are in need of warm lights, that of feeling at home with your family. It is important that you let your guard down emotional now has your loved derjenig can answer. Do not make any financial risks this month.

CANCER AUGUST HOROSCOPE 2008 / CANCER AUGUST ASTROLOGY FORECAST 2008 (June 22-July 22) cancer, Travel is very much on your mind now and it would take you the world of good, an extended break this month. Someone close to you feel that you are sure they are behaving, they miteinzuschließen. The news of a friend, you may be jealous, but they must know that you are happy for them.

LEO AUGUST HOROSCOPE 2008 / LEO AUGUST ASTROLOGY FORECAST 2008 July 23-Aug 22) Emotional Leo, this is a frustrating month, while it seems that someone close to you, deliberately difficult no matter what permits it showed. On the plus side is a lot of luck on your side when it comes to business and finance. Be ready, an opportunity now to take!

VIRGO AUGUST HOROSCOPE 2008 / VIRGO AUGUST ASTROLOGY FORECAST 2008 (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Financially, this is the highpoint of the year for you and it is important that you have time, to give, while the hard work begins again in September. Treat a friend, in the new week has supported. This would be an ideal time, a House motion to consider.

LIBRA AUGUST HOROSCOPE 2008 / LIBRA AUGUST ASTROLOGY FORECAST 2008 (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) you know where you are in life now and want to go it is important that you stuck to that plan. It is easy to obtain from your goals by the number of invitations all the time, you are in the last half of the month received. Discipline and dedication, though, are the keys to success for now.

SCORPIO AUGUST HOROSCOPE 2008 / SCORPIO AUGUST ASTROLOGY FORECAST 2008 (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Scorpio promote Planetary influences your communication skills en now. You can use this advantage when it comes to resolve a debate between family members. They feel romantic at the end of the month and you have the rest of money on impulse to act!

SAGITTARIUS AUGUST HOROSCOPE 2008 / SAGITTARIUS AUGUST ASTROLOGY FORECAST 2008 (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Sagittarius, you are a pet project now excited, but there is a danger that you break a promise to someone, therefore, particularly land. This is not a great month for derjenig make stürzend has loved so as to ensure that you keep your word. The last week of the month brings an unexpected luck!

CAPRICORN AUGUST HOROSCOPE 2008 / CAPRICORN AUGUST ASTROLOGY FORECAST 2008 (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) Capricorn, you relaxed at the start of the month and feel tae may be a risk within a new relationship tilted. Think twice, as all may not be what it seems. Finance is a promotional medium month and received, you should seriously consider that taking a vacation, even if the request seems to work.

AQUARIUS AUGUST HOROSCOPE 2008 / AQUARIUS AUGUST ASTROLOGY FORECAST 2008 (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Now is the time, a new plan in action, especially when it relates to your professional aspirations or desire. Relations are probably a little early in the month to stumble, but if you prepared to take second place for a while, as matters will quickly disappear.

PISCES AUGUST HOROSCOPE 2008 / PISCES AUGUST ASTROLOGY FORECAST 2008 (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) the need for a change of scene feel this month. Their restlessness is best to take a short vacation. It should give an opportunity to show off your creative skills with a friend to explore. Money matters and you can afford to a saving plan to think.

Monday, July 7, 2008



Career: You must concentrate more to complete your task. Learn to work under pressure.

Finance: You must keep tight control over your expenses during the month. Planning and investing will give you good return.

Health: The stress during the month might bring some health problems but by practicing yoga, meditation or by walking everything can be kept under control.

Family: You will gain popularity at social gatherings. You will spend quality time with friends and family members. Lovers will have a good month.


Career: Your career depends upon your hard work. Job goers will see ups and downs during the month.

Finance: Fluctuations in monetary conditions is fore seen. Don’t invest blindly unless otherwise you are confident about the returns.

Health:Minor accidents may not be ruled out during the month. Utmost care should be taken while traveling.

Family: Misunderstanding among family members is seen. You have to be maturity enough to accept the fact to live a happy family.


Career: Your confidence level will be high during the first half of the month. Those who are in business can plan well to expand their business.

Finance: Monetary conditions will be steady. Smooth clearance of financial loans from banks and other financial institutions is fore seen.

Health: Head ache due to high work pressure and stress related problems are fore seen.

Family:You will spend your quality time with your family. You can plan a short trip with your family.


This month seems quite satisfactory. You will take out time for yourself and may become more insightful and emotions will fly high. This is on the positive side as you will become more understanding and caring and will make your close ones very happy by expressing your feelings , Ganesha. On the career side you will be full of life and this will reflect in work. Your communication skills will come into light which will bring you gains.


This month you will engage yourself in social activities. This has been in your mind since a long time but this month you will do some charity by money and by physically helping the needy. Expenses are likely to increase as your loved one may become ill and need hospital care. But, you will do all this without losing heart and during this horrible phase you will get internal power from Lord Ganesha. You will become kind and may go out of way to help the needy.


This month will be very pleasing, as you will achieve victory, fame, respect and appreciation by all. Both professional and personal life will be joyful. Strong bond will be developed with loved ones and with friends and the office staff. You will have a good money inflow and you will spend lavishly for your comfort. However, do not lend money to your colleagues. You will share your dreams with your beloved and will have a great time.


This month success and victory are all yours but for that you will have to put much more effort in your work. You are very dedicated and will do everything with vigor. Foreign contacts are going to help you. There are chances for you to go abroad for expansion or advertising of your product. Monetary gains are good, says Ganesha. On thge personal front you would take out time for everybody- your friends, family and lover and thus your relations will get stronger.


This month you will have to run around for earning money and fulfilling needs of family. Expenses are likely to rise and you have to become economical. Nevertheless, you will try your best to deal with needs of your loved ones. You are very generous by nature and may go out of your way to help your close ones. You will be full of life and make a proper schedule for journey. At the end of the month you will have gains and will maintain a proper balance, says Ganesha.


This month you will experience mood swings. You will feel deprived of energy. Do not let clouds of negativity surround you and try not to let your past surpass your present. Heated and lengthy arguments will make you weak. Have faith in God and yourself, as you are very good in decision-making. You have a very perceptive or sharp mind and may take proper decisions for your career and personal life. Ganesha advises you to chant mantra or do meditation.


This month may be satisfactory and fun-giving. However, you will have to contend with many upheavals in this month so you have to be watchful and conscious about all matters. On the career side, do not trust anybody blindly as your rivals may backstab you. Your innovative ideas and skills will come into limelight and would be a cause for your progress. If your junior or a person younger than you gives you ideas don't ignore as they can be right. Avoid taking risks and hasty decisions suggests Ganesha.


This month you will observe many changes in your personal as well as professional life. Your daily schedule of exercise or eating habits may change for better. You may see a different milieu at office. Change in the staff is also possible. Your associates will be much friendly and will help you gain. You will gain moneywise as well as respectwise. Speculation is not advisable by Ganesha this month. Play safely and on the family front you will have a nice time.


This month you will have victory by your side. You have to use your brain and your innovative and imaginative ideas will come to the fore. . You will have to skillfully use these ideas in your work and success will be yours. Those who are in any of the creative fields will get greater benefits, assures Ganesha. Love life will rock. Longtime disputes will end but do not take your beloved for granted. You will also get involved in religious activities for peace of mind.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Natal astrology, also known as genethliacal astrology, is the system

of astrology based upon the concept that each individual's

personality or path in life can be determined by constructing a

natal chart for the exact date, time, and location of a person's

birth. Natal astrology can be found in the Indian or Jyotish,

Chinese and Western astrological traditions.

In Horoscopic astrology the individual's personality is determined

by the construction of the horoscope or birth chart for the

particular individual involved (known as the native), showing the

positions of the sun, moon, planets, ascendant, midheaven , and the

angles or aspects between them.

Once the horoscope has been constructed the process of

interpretation can begin, which involves building a complete picture

of the personality of the subject, or native. Interpretation

involves three main steps - noting the important features of the

chart, and the processes of chart weighting and chart shaping. Chart

weighting involves noting the distribution of zodiac signs and

houses in the chart, and the significance of this to the overall

personality of the native. Chart shaping involves assessing the

placement of the planets by aspect and position in the chart, and

noting any significant patterns which occur between them.
* Aries - March 21 - April 20
* Taurus - April 21 - May 21
* Gemini - May 22 - June 21
* Cancer - June 22 - July 22
* Leo - July 23 -August 21
* Virgo - August 22 - September 23
* Libra - September 24 - October 23
* Scorpio - October 24 - November 22
* Sagittarius - November 23 - December 22
* Capricorn - December 23 - January 20
* Aquarius - January 21 - February 19
* Pisces - February 20- March 20

Characteristics of the Signs

In addition to the individual characteristics listed on these pages, the signs of the zodiac are classified in three other ways. Each is either positive "masculine",(spontaneous and self-expressive) or negative "feminine" (withdrawn and passive).; each is assigned one of the four principle elements of fire (Fire is lively and aggressive), air (Air is lively in mind and fluent in expression), earth (Earth is matter-of-fact and controlled), and water (Water is sensitive and intuitive). These are known as the triplices. Fire, air, earth and water. Triplicity? there are four not three? "Triplicity" meaning triplicate or three, because there are three zodiac signs for each element. Each sign is either cardinal, fixed or mutable (the quadruplices because there are four zodiac signs to each one). The qualities of cardinal, fixed and mutable are respectively, initiative(cardinal), steadfastness(fixed), and changeableness/adaptability(mutable). Can you see a connection? steadfast is fixed and changeableness is "mutable"? Most all things in astrology form "logical" connections.